COVID-19 Update

Due to the recommendation to practice social distancing to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, FCC Pasadena will suspend weekly worship and all meetings/events for the present time.  Check back for updates. In the meantime, we will continue to “be the Church” by practicing self-care for ourselves and compassion for others. Here are ways you can connect with others in the community and beyond:

-The First United Methodist Church, where we rent space, will livestream their worship each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. See this link to enjoy their worship: Https://

They also post on their UTube channel after 2 p.m. each Sunday, 

-If anyone needs supplies or food, please contact the pastors at

We have a team of folks willing to pick up needed items and deliver them to folks during this critical time. We fully intend to minimize contact with one another if we deliver something to your home and will wash our hands and observe COVID-19 cleanliness protocols as we handle items. Please don’t volunteer to deliver items if you exhibit any signs of being sick (coughing, fever, shortness of breath, etc.)

-Our church members will be checking in with church folks via phone and email to stay connected over the next weeks.

-We will be in touch with our local mission partner in Pasadena, Friends in Deed, to see what additional needs they have at this time to serve those living on the margins. We will keep you posted on that and let you know how you can participate. 

As persons of faith, we have the opportunity to ground ourselves in God - we can truly be the Church even when we are not in the same room. This continues to be Lent – a time of reflection and renewal, and we are keeping each of you in our prayers.

The Revs. Jake & Marlene Pomeroy