We are so glad you will be visiting FCC Pasadena! We worship every Sunday at 11:30 in the gorgeous and spacious chapel at the First United Methodist Church. We also have a Zoom service each week and the link is in the Weekly Touchstone. We hope this helps you with what to expect on your visit.

Parking: The Methodists worship at 10:00 in their sanctuary and the parking lot is usually full until they depart around 11:15. At that time there should be plenty of parking right next to the church building – you may access the parking lot via Los Robles or Green Street. There are 5 designated spots for those with limited ability each Sunday.
Worship: Our worship space is in the beautiful chapel. You should see signs in the parking lot directing you up the walkway to the chapel. It is fully accessible with no steps. There is a bathroom just inside the building to the left as you enter. We begin with all ages in worship at 11:30. Our worship involves pretty typical Sunday morning things: hymn-singing, prayers, a Children’s Time, a Bible reading, a sermon, special music, etc.
Children & Youth: For the Children’s Time, all children and caregivers are invited to come up and sit on the steps for a time dedicated just for them. After that, all children & youth who wish to attend church school leave and go with two church volunteers to a classroom; Church School takes place between September and June (in the Summer we have two staff supervise the children while they have a chance to play games and have time with one another) All of our teachers and caregivers are required to attend a Safe Training program and have had background checks.
Fellowship Time: Worship lasts about an hour (a little longer on the 1st Sunday of the month since we serve Communion on those Sundays). After worship all guests are invited to or weekly coffee hour in either an indoor or an outdoor room. That usually includes hot and cold beverages and light refreshments. Once a month or so we serve a luncheon meal. Teachers and Staff escort children and youth down to where the coffee hour is.
If you wish to know the specifics about what is happening on an upcoming Sunday, just go back to the Home Page and click on the Weekly Touchstone. If you wish to be in touch with a staff member, please feel free to call the church at (626) 795-0696 or contact them via email. You will find individual staff emails on the Staff link.
We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you and your spiritual needs!
Revs. Jake & Marlene Pomeroy