Community Outreach

Our congregation has defined itself as a community that reaches out to care for its neighbors since its inception!  Throughout our history, we have sought to share the love that we have experienced and gifts that God has generously shared with us, and to advocate for peace and justice. We continue to share generously to local and global ministries and through hands-on projects throughout the year.

What does God require of us but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God? – Micah 6:8

First United Methodist Church of Pasadena Social Services Outreach

We support FUMC to provide needed food and hygiene items every Tuesday. We have a  link with a list of needed items in our weekly Touchstone. In addition folks are welcome to volunteer to staff this outreach any Tuesday. Please contact a pastor at to sign up in advance. 

Grants Available

Women’s Scholarship: In 2016 we started offering scholarships to support local women attending college and trade schools. In 2022 we awarded $5,000 grants each to 4 local women to help them achieve their dreams. Information about the scholarships will be available in the spring of each year and can be accessed through the Women’s Scholarship link. 

Outreach Grant Funds: In 2018 we sold our building and moved over to rent space in the First United Methodist Church. This has enabled us to set aside up to $100,000 for additional outreach to those in our community who are in need. The Grants were offered for the first time in 2019 and application information, guidelines, and recipients for each year can be found in the Outreach Grants link.

In addition, we also strive to have hands-on projects to engage with and organizations to support with our resources.  Some of our outreach support includes…

Union Station Pasadena – we volunteer the first Monday of each month with four teams that shop, cook and serve the meal at this outreach organization – Union Station offers meals, classes, job training and twelve step groups to persons who are underserved and in need in Pasadena.

Friends in DeedWe support this local Pasadena organization with donations and volunteer time and energy, as it works to provide services to those without shelter and resources.  Programs include a Women’s Room, housing support, training and clothing for finding work, holiday gift drives, and back to school supplies for school aged children and youth.


 Aid Africa – we are a Mission Partner with this non-profit group that provides refugee relief and support with several projects in Northern Uganda.  The work of Aid Africa includes building portable stoves, finding water and digging wells, planting trees, and offering healthcare services. We have church members who serve on the board, travel regularly to Uganda and have been instrumental in the ongoing mission of this organization.  We encourage newcomers and visitors to learn more at

Open and Affirming – We are an Open and Affirming congregation since 1993.  We welcome LGBTQ folks and continue to advocate for justice and full acceptance. 


Outings – we plan occasional outings to educate ourselves about issues such as racism, our food production, immigration and fair pay for all. We have occasionally participated in other outings such as a local Habitat build or planting seeds and harvesting vegetables to be donated to the FID pantry, supporting a local Black independent book store, donating books to Families Forward, joining FUMC in a Rise Against Hunger food packaging event, inviting a local BIPOC owner come to sell their wares at our Alternative Christmas Market, and harvesting fruit through Food First. 

Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM) – we give annually to the United Church of Christ OCWM through our church budget so that our denomination can support and funds the mission of our national and global Church. We also take up special offerings of our wider denomination each year so that programs and relief can be funded through our national church setting. Learn more about our wider church at